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"The Story of a New Name" Chosen As Nick's Pick for October!

Elena Ferrante's The Story of a  New Name has been chosen as the October pick for "Nick's Book Club" at the University Bookstore! The "Nick" in question is Nick DiMartino, a legendary bookseller at the Seattle bookstore, author of three novels, and frequent reviewer of Europa titles for Shelf Awareness. Here is what Nick had to say about the second novel in Ferrante's Neapolitan trilogy:

Good morning, book lovers.

What you don't need when you're running out of time is a 300-page book with a 500-page sequel that are both so good you have to rearrange your entire schedule because you can't stop reading! Go ahead and start re-arranging that busy schedule of yours right now -- Elena Ferrante, already a superb novelist before, has now stumbled on EXACTLY the right story to bring out all her talents in MY BRILLIANT FRIEND, a novel that is a quantum leap better than anything she's ever done before, and the sequel, THE STORY OF A NEW NAME, is just as thrilling. It's compulsive reading, unstoppable insights into the human condition, and in particular a thrilling exploration of a growing and changing female friendship, by a woman who is as perceptive as she is non-sentimental. Gad, I love this writer!

Gad, indeed! With such a glowing endorsement from Nick and the most recent New York Times Book Review praising Ferrante, The Story of a New Name is shaping up to be one of our most critically-acclaimed titles of the fall season. Visit a local bookseller or online retailer to pick up your copy today, and if you're in the Seattle area, join Nick and company to discuss the novel on October 28th at the University Bookstore cafe.

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