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Europa Honored by NAIBA for Original Paperback Award

The New Atlantic Independent Booksellers Association (NAIBA) has chosen Europa for its Original Paperback Book of the Year Award, which will honor all of our paperback titles. The official announcement from NAIBA is below:

"The NAIBA Awards Committee has made a bold choice in selecting Europa Editions as the winner of the Original Paperback Book of the Year award. Lucy Kogler, Talking Leaves...Books, chair of the committee, commented that "Europa Editions publishes elegant books in translation, literary fiction and non-fiction and world noir. Michael is one of the most impassioned editors- in- chief in the industry.  He is so obviously proud of the relationship that he has with independent booksellers and we booksellers know his books will appeal to our discriminating customers.  Each book is an artistic, french-flapped, original- in- paperback treasure that we are thrilled to place in our stores."

Michael Reynolds said, upon hearing the good news, "Indie bookstores were our first friends in the business and have always been our most supportive retail partners. It is no exaggeration to say that without independent booksellers, it would be well-nigh impossible for Europa and many other fine indie publishers to do what we do. Among the members of NAIBA there are some of America's savviest, most committed and most innovative bookstores, and it is particularly pleasing to receive this sort of recognition from them.  On behalf of everyone at Europa and all of our authors, I would like to thank New Atlantic independent booksellers from the bottom of my heart for the honor you have bestowed on us with this award and for your continued support."

We're thrilled to be recognized by NAIBA in our ongoing partnership with indie booksellers!

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